Tag Archives: Landscape

Daily Watercolor – Abstract Landscape Painting- Watercolor and Ink

Abstract Landscape Watercolor Painting - Watercolor and Ink

Abstract Landscape Watercolor Painting - Watercolor and Ink

I continue with the abstract landscape painting using ink and watercolor paint.  Shades are added as well as more outline to define shapes and texture.  The different watercolor wash is applied with the light and shadow in mind.  Most of the watercolor layers I put down one on top of each other is diluted straight from the watercolor paint tube to achieve a bright overall color.  I think more detail should be added onto the painting and I will be working towards completeting the painting and try a larger one with this technique.

Daily watercolor – Landscape watercolor painting – Abstract landscape with ink outline

Landscape watercolor painting with ink outline

Landscape watercolor painting with ink outline

This watercolor painting started out with a sketch and some lines on the odd shape cold press watercolor paper.  Watercolor paint is painted and then the black outline is done after the painting is completely dried.  This is the first layer of watercolor wash on this abstract landscape painting.  There are going to be more watercolor layers to be painted on later and more lines to be added.  I have been using a Sharpie ultra fine point for the permanent black lines.

Daily watercolor painting – Georgia O’Keeffe and Ansel Adams : Natural Affinities – art book

Book - Georgia O'Keeffe and Ansel Adams: Natural Affinities

Book - Georgia O'Keeffe and Ansel Adams: Natural Affinities

I come across reading this book called Georgia O’Keeffe and Ansel Adams: Natural Affinities in the library.  These two artist whom I admire for their art in photography and painting.  The following is what is written in the back cover of the book.  …..This is the first major publication and exhibition devoted to a comparative view of the work of Georgia O’Keeffe and Ansel Adams, two towering figures of twentieth-century American Art.  More than one hundred duotone and four-color reproductions of paintings and photographs, accompanied by critical essays, reveal telling parallels and differences between the artists unique visions of the natural world.

Anyone interested in photography or painting would enjoy this book.

Daily watercolor painting – Sunrise – Ink resist

Ink resist watercolor - Sunrise by Peter Lau

Ink resist watercolor painting - sketch and masking fluid

This ink resist watercolor painting is done on 15 x 22 inches 150 lb cold press watercolor paper.  First the outline of the painting is drawn with pencil on the watercolor paper.  Then where the lines are, masking fluid is painted on.  I use Pebeo drawing gum as my masking fluid and is painted on using a small brush in two layers.  After the masking fluid is dried, white tempera is painted on the entire painting surface covering all the lines and the dry masking fluid.  The painting is left to dry overnight.

Ink resist painting - sunrise by Peter Lau

Daily watercolor painting - Ink resist stage 2

In stage 2 show above, the entire painting with the tempera is completely dried and the masking area is slowly being taken off.  I use a eraser with the initial lift of the masking fluid and finish off with my fingers.  When it is all done, what is left is the white tempera paint and lines where the masking fluid used to be but now showing the white of the papser.  Next stage will be covering the entire watercolor paper with permanent black ink.

Ink Resist watercolor technique – Dance passion art painting

Ink resist watercolor technique - Dance Passion

The above photo shows the washing process for the ink resist technique on the ballroom dance painting.  All the permanent ink except for the black lines etched into the paper is being washed away together with the tempera paint underneath.  It will take several wash with changes of warm water to wash away all the tempera paint off the 150 lb cold press watercolor paper.  The watercolor paper was then leave it in the water to soak for about 10 minutes and rinse again with a final rinse.  After that the paper is clipped on a board or hand it up to dry.  After it is completely dry, watercolor paint will be aplied on in layers to achieve the desire effect on the ballroom dance painting.   I shall try and use the colors right out of the watercolor paint tube to get a different look.

Ink Resist watercolor techinque - Ballroom dance passiion

The above photo shows the ink resist ballroom dance watercolor painting after the wash and is bing clip on a board to dry before watercolro paint is being applied.

Daily watercolor painting – Landascape #6

Daily Watercolor - Landscape #6

This watercolor painting was done in 11 x 14 cold press watercolor paper.  Layering technique was used by first drawing the outline in pencil.  Layers of light diluted watercolor was added to the previous layer after each one is dried.  A very loose and fast technique is used as well as a large brush to maintain the wetness of the paper and the area of each layer.  Basically a wet in wet technique is used.  Finally a small brush is used to paint in the watercolor detail.  After the painting is dry, paint is splatter in using a tooth brush.  Color is also taken out using a wet tissue on various area of the sky, mountain and water.

Toward the Sunrise – Daily Watercolor Painting

Completed Watercolor Painting - Toward the Sunrise

Toward the Sunrise – Watercolor 15 x 20 inches

The watercolor painting Toward the Sunrise has been changed in the final stage and I think it is better as a result.  The bottom green has been darken together with the value of the tree on the right side.  Layers of Winsor and Newton Windsor Green and Ultramarine Blue was added.  That resulted in a darker value for the foreground in the landscape which I think is more appropiate for the scene.  The sky seems brighter and the purple and brown in other areas has more brilliance in contrast with the dark foreground.

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Daily watercolor painting – Toward the Sunrise

Toward the Sunrise - Watercolor 15 x 20 inches

I have completed painting the Toward the Sunrise watercolor painting last night.  It was not as time consuming as I thought it would.  It was painted using Winsor and Newton watercolor and also Da Vinci Watercolor paints on cold press watercolor paper.  Watercolor from the tube was spatter on one layer at a time and it works for this kind of watercolor painting.  I feel that the bottom green shade of the painting should be a darker shade and should carry a darker value.  I think that needs to be changed.  The little lonley tree on the right side need to be darker as well.  I will try to correct this tonight and that should give the overall watercolor painting more contrast so that the upper part of the painting should resulted in a much more sunrise glow.  This I will try to achieve tonight.