Tag Archives: Ink Resist

Daily Watercolor – Sunrise – Ink resist watercolor painting

Daily watercolor painting - Sunrise - Ink resist painting

Daily watercolor painting - Sunrise - Ink resist painting

This is the finished watercolor ink-resist painting done on 15 x 22 inches cold press watercolor paper.  The painting uses watercolor paint for the different layers.  An abstract watercolor painting about the sunrise or sunset.  Lately I have been trying some abstrat art  ideas using watercolor and ink resist as a way of expression.  It is fun to create this kind of abstract ideas which explores ones imagination.

Ink Resist Painting – Sunrise – Daily watercolor painting

Ink Resist watercolor painting - sunrise watercolor painting by Peter Lau

Ink Resist watercolor painting - sunrise watercolor painting

This is the stage where the painting is being covered with permanent black ink.  The black ink will be permanently left on the areas where there is no white tempera.  This stage of the ink resist watercolor painting is to left dried overnight.  Next will be the wash shere areas of whte temera is being washed away.

Ink resist watercolor painting - Sunrise

Ink resist watercolor painting - Sunrise

You can see from the above image that the tempera and black ink is being washed away from the paper surface.  Warm water and a scrubbing brush is used for this step.  This left only the lines and some areas of the painting where the black permanent ink has eat into the watercolor paper surface.  After the paper is completely dry it is ready to be painted using watercolor, gouache, or Acrylic paint.

– Peter Lau

Daily watercolor painting – Sunrise – Ink resist

Ink resist watercolor - Sunrise by Peter Lau

Ink resist watercolor painting - sketch and masking fluid

This ink resist watercolor painting is done on 15 x 22 inches 150 lb cold press watercolor paper.  First the outline of the painting is drawn with pencil on the watercolor paper.  Then where the lines are, masking fluid is painted on.  I use Pebeo drawing gum as my masking fluid and is painted on using a small brush in two layers.  After the masking fluid is dried, white tempera is painted on the entire painting surface covering all the lines and the dry masking fluid.  The painting is left to dry overnight.

Ink resist painting - sunrise by Peter Lau

Daily watercolor painting - Ink resist stage 2

In stage 2 show above, the entire painting with the tempera is completely dried and the masking area is slowly being taken off.  I use a eraser with the initial lift of the masking fluid and finish off with my fingers.  When it is all done, what is left is the white tempera paint and lines where the masking fluid used to be but now showing the white of the papser.  Next stage will be covering the entire watercolor paper with permanent black ink.

Daily Watercolor Painting by Peter Lau – Ink resist technique – Ballroom dance watercolor

Peter Lau Ink resist painting - Ballroom dance watercolor

Peter Lau Ink resist painting - Ballroom dance watercolor

In my last post I have found that all the watercolor paint I use directly from the tube makes the ballroom painting too bright in color.  Sort of like a poster paint.  I have since try to put clean water on certain areas trying to lift some of the watercolor paint off the paper.  I have succeed in some areas where those watercolors are not staining.  After much lifting of the watercolor off the cold press watercolor paper, it is still not enough.  Next, I immurse the whole sheet of finished watercolor paper into a water bath just like I did before for the ink resist.  I use a large brush to brush some of the paint off from the paper under water.  I then dry it overnight and that created the result show above.  I will finish it with more layers of watercolor tomorrow to give it more a three dimension look especially on the background.

Watercolor ink resist painting – Ballroom dance

Ink resist watercolor painting - Ballroom dance passion painting

Ink resist watercolor painting - Ballroom dance passion painting

I have completed the ink resist watercolor painting by painting in all the areas surround by the ink outline with watercolor paint.  I use watercolor paint right out of the tube.  Continue reading

Ballroom Dance Watercolor Ink Resist Painting – Ink Resist Technique

Ballroom Dance Painting - Watercolor Ink Resist Technique

Ballroom Dance Painting - Watercolor Ink Resist Technique

After the Tempera paint is being washed away together with the permanent black ink, watercolor is applied on the cold press watercolor paper after it is completely dried.  I use watercolor paint straight from the tube and fill in the areas between the black lines.  It was fun filling in and doing this stage of ink resist watercolor.  Gouache or acrylic paint can also be used at the same time.

Ballroom Dance Painting - Watercolor Ink Resist Technique

Watercolor Ballroom Dance Painting - Ink resist technique

Watercolor Ink Resist Painting Technique – Ballroom Passion watercolor art

Watercolor Ink resist - Ballroom Passion art painting

This Ink Resist painting is at stage 3 where tempera paint is being put on the whole painting following the lines were painted over using Pebo drawing gum or other masking fluid as shown in the above photo.  White tempera paint is what I use for this stage of ink resist and after the whole painting service is dry, the masking fluid is to be taken off to show the white of the paper underneath.  The result to obtain is a painting covered with whte tempera except for the lines where the masking fluid once was.

Ink resist painting - before washing stage

The next stage will be using the permanent india ink to fill and paint the whole piece of painting.  At this stage, the lines leave by the removed masking fluid will receive the permanent ink while the rest of the area will not because the ink will sit on top of the dried white tempera paint.  the next satage after the painting is dry, is to wash away the tempera together with the black permanent ink on top of it leaving the black lines.

Peter Lau Daily Watercolor Painting – Ballroom Passion #2 – Ink resist technique

Ink resist watercolor painting - Ballroom Passion #2 - Step 1 Sketching

This is another ink resist watercolor painting on the theme of ballroom dancing.  The photo above shows the sketch of the painting on 150 lb Arches watercolor paper.  Next step will be using a liquid resist to paint the lines  and areas that eventually will receive the black permanent ink.

Ink resist watercolor painting - Step 2 Paint lines with frisket.

The above photo shows step #2 which is outlining all the lines with frisket or other masking fluid.  These outlines will later turn into black lines when the permanent black ink is applied.  I use Pebeo drawing gum as my masking fluid.  After all the lines and areas that are covered with masking fluid are dried we can go on to the next step which is to paint the whole painting with white Tempera or any color tempera paint you desire.  Tempera is a water base paint which can easily wash off from the watercolor paper later.