This ink resist watercolor painting is done on 15 x 22 inches 150 lb cold press watercolor paper. First the outline of the painting is drawn with pencil on the watercolor paper. Then where the lines are, masking fluid is painted on. I use Pebeo drawing gum as my masking fluid and is painted on using a small brush in two layers. After the masking fluid is dried, white tempera is painted on the entire painting surface covering all the lines and the dry masking fluid. The painting is left to dry overnight.
In stage 2 show above, the entire painting with the tempera is completely dried and the masking area is slowly being taken off. I use a eraser with the initial lift of the masking fluid and finish off with my fingers. When it is all done, what is left is the white tempera paint and lines where the masking fluid used to be but now showing the white of the papser. Next stage will be covering the entire watercolor paper with permanent black ink.