Category Archives: Artist Materials

Watercolor Art Painting – Pebbles

Watercolor Painting Art - Pebbles 15 x 22 inches

A continuation of my pebbles watercolor painting art project.  More pebbles are painted using the same watercolor technique.   Besides doing that I have looked up some information on the color Alizarin Crimson since artist should know their color.

Alizarin Crimson

Alizarin is a pigment that replaced the natural pigment madder lake.  Crimson is a name used for bluish red colors in general and the colors are between red and rose.  Alizarin crimson is a fugitive pigment and genuine rose madder is believed to be more permanent.  Genuine rose madder is made by traditional means using the root of the madder plant.  Alizarin crimson is a perfect color for many artists because it makes great neutrals and blacks when mixed with green, violet and blue.  When Alizarin crimson is mixed with French ultramarine blue it produces a beautiful violet.  Transparency rating for alizarin crimson is a 4 which means high transparency and is non-toxic.  Now many artist supply or material manufacturer have Alizarin Crimson under their choice of colors including Windsor and Newton,  M. Graham, Grumbacher, Daniel Smith  and Da Vinci to name a few.